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Post-Bariatric Body Contouring

The dramatic rise in the number of weight loss procedures has led to parallel increases in the number of patients presenting for surgical correction of contour abnormalities. Following bariatric surgery, patients are enthusiastic to see weight loss, improved control or cure of their diabetes, and decreased pain in their joints. Unfortunately, their skin does not contract with the volume loss.

This deformity cannot be addressed adequately with exercise, diet, or any creams. The goal of bost-bariatric body contouring is to optimize the results of the excess tissue.
The best candidates fo post-bariatric corrective surgery are those who have achieved weight loss stability with a BMI of 35 or less and who have adequate nutrition to heal the surgical excisions. Truncal deformity is the most common presenting complaint of massive weight loss patients, and the procedure of choice to address this region is a lower body lift. Once the weight has been stable for at least 6 month, it is appropriate to have a surgical evaluation.

Usually it is not before 1,5-2 year after bariatric surgery. Althhough a panniculectomy can be perfomed on patients with almost any BMI, other contouring procedures are typically preserved for those who attain a BMI less than or equal to 35.

The massive weight loss anatomical deformity is characterized by excess skin in almost every area of the body including the face and neck , arms, breasts, abdomen, and thighs. Fat may be in excess in selected areas yet deficient in others where some fullness is desirable. Post-bariatric body contouring seeks to remove excess skin and unwanted fatty deposits while restoring fullness to areas such as the breasts, cheeks, and buttocks. The trade-off for improved contour is scar.


Common problems and solutions A slim waist is an important factor in terms of external appearance. A stretched abdomen and waist are an important part for men and women in private and professional life. Women are often not pleased with their abdomen following multiple births or significant weight loss. Due to strong, long-term stretching of […]


Why liposuction? Even a well-trained body of normal weight can have its probleem zones. Extra weight carried in such areas rarely responds to diet and exercise. Hereditary factors and hormoones determine how fat cells are distributed in our bodies. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells in order to give the body a more aesthetically pleasing shape. […]

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Adams Kirurgia Grupp pakub koostöös MediCredit OÜ’ga head võimalust tasuda protseduuride eest osadena ja seda soodsatel tingimustel.

Miks kasutada MediCredit terviselaenu:

- Laenu summa 150 kuni 6000 euroni
- Esmane sissemakse 0 eurot
- Lepingutasu 0 eurot
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- Soodne intress alates 7%
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MediCredit OÜ poolt väljastatav laen on finantskohustus. Soovitame enne laenu taotlemist läbi mõelda oma rahalised võimalused ning periood, mille jooksul on võimalik laen tagastada. Mõelge oma otsus hoolikalt läbi, tutvuge tingimustega ja vajadusel pidage nõu meie spetsialistidega, kes leiavad Teile sobiva lahenduse. Näiteks 1200 euro laenamisel 48 kuuks on intress 17,6% aastas laenujäägilt, sissemakse 0%, lepingutasu 0 eurot, maksete kogusumma 1680 eurot, tasumine igakuiste annuiteetmaksetena 35 eurot kuus. Aastane krediidi kulukuse määr on 19,1%.