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Why liposuction?

Even a well-trained body of normal weight can have its probleem zones. Extra weight carried in such areas rarely responds to diet and exercise. Hereditary factors and hormoones determine how fat cells are distributed in our bodies.

Liposuction permanently removes fat cells in order to give the body a more aesthetically pleasing shape. There are different type of liposuction methods used.

Using the gentle power of water to reduce hip padding

Water-jet assisted liposuction (WAL) is an innovative, gentle method for the surgical reduction of persistent fat stores. In this method irrigation solution is introduced into the fatty tissue with a pulsating spray action using a special cannula. Theis solution is then immediately suctioned off-together with the loosened fat cells. The gentle water-jet loosens the fat and makes it possible to remove fat cells permanently while sparing subcutaneus tissues.

The water jet helps minimise risks

Compared with conventional liposuction methods WAL removes fat with much less force and a significantly lower risk of side effects. With ohter methods the irrigation solution must remain in the body for a certain period of time in order to take effect. This waiting periood is minimised with water-jet assisted liposuction, significantly reducing overall treatment time. With the water-jet method there is no risk of thermal injury (e.g. burns) and a much lower risk of bruise formation and injury to the sensitiive nerve tissues under the skin. The strands of connective tissue responsible for skin tightening remain largely intact beneath the skin, like exposed tree roots.
For you this means excellent chances of being practically pai-free within just a few days of the treatment.

Ask your trusted specialist

Even a gentle surgical procedure has associated risks. If you are interested in learning more about gentle body-contouring with the innovative WAL procedure ask a trusted specialist about the benefits and risks of such a treatment.

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MediCredit järelmaks

Adams Kirurgia Grupp pakub koostöös MediCredit OÜ’ga head võimalust tasuda protseduuride eest osadena ja seda soodsatel tingimustel.

Miks kasutada MediCredit terviselaenu:

- Laenu summa 150 kuni 6000 euroni
- Esmane sissemakse 0 eurot
- Lepingutasu 0 eurot
- Igakuine haldustasu 0 eurot
- Soodne intress alates 7%
- Intressi arvutatakse vaid laenujäägilt!

MediCredit OÜ poolt väljastatav laen on finantskohustus. Soovitame enne laenu taotlemist läbi mõelda oma rahalised võimalused ning periood, mille jooksul on võimalik laen tagastada. Mõelge oma otsus hoolikalt läbi, tutvuge tingimustega ja vajadusel pidage nõu meie spetsialistidega, kes leiavad Teile sobiva lahenduse. Näiteks 1200 euro laenamisel 48 kuuks on intress 17,6% aastas laenujäägilt, sissemakse 0%, lepingutasu 0 eurot, maksete kogusumma 1680 eurot, tasumine igakuiste annuiteetmaksetena 35 eurot kuus. Aastane krediidi kulukuse määr on 19,1%.